About Us
We believe that Jesus Christ came to reveal the fullness of God's love for us, and we continue to celebrate that love through praise, sacraments, service, and community. |
Get Involved
Our church offers a wide range of ministry opportunities. Whether you'd like to learn more, pray more, or serve more, we have a ministry for you. |
Support Us
Making an offering of our financial resources is an integral part of what it means to be a Christian. We have a variety ways to make it easy for your to support our church. |
Whatever has brought you here we are glad you have found us. Whatever your faith and spiritual journey, Welcome. We encourage you to come and explore with your questions and doubts, your fears and concerns and your love and joy. Two Congregations We are 2 congregations (of Lutheran and Methodist traditions and theology ) gathering as one, seeking the living presence of God in our daily lives and called to be God’s presence in and for God’s beloved creation and world. We are Christ followers on a mission, God’s mission to bless and heal a broken world. This mission of God, this sole mission then becomes our sole mission as well. We are people of Grace United by the Holy Trinity. Our Journey We are on a journey as we continue to discover God’s amazing grace and love. We love exploration, creativity, curiosity, and imagination, and questions as we seek a relationship with God. We invite you on this journey as we seek and encounter the living God and risen Christ through the gifts of the Holy Spirit. You are Welcome Here Christ welcomed all who came to him, so we too welcome you in the name of Jesus. We welcome you as God’s beloved, fully wanted and perfectly created by God, just as you are. Whoever you are, however you identify, - we celebrate you and welcome you to this diverse community of imperfect people united by the grace and love of God through Jesus the Christ. We gather to be sent out into the world in the name of the Father, ☩ the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. |
Quick Links
United in Grace
342 S Lewis Street Monroe, WA 98272 (360)794-2111 [email protected] Schedule Join us for Virtual Worship on YouTube |